Tribal Lioness

Forever 21 knit cardigan, Forever 21 tank, Forever 21 necklace
Arm candy: H&M, Forever 21, Target
Forever 21 ring, Forever 21 booties
Target Canvas backpack

So... Remember moi? Y'know I have not even logged onto blogger in awhile because I signed on tonight and I was astonded at the new layout spread before me. It was quite the shock and I spent the next few minutes attempting to navigate through the basics. I definitely wish to make signficant improvements to my blog these upcoming weeks. New banner. new url, new title, new photo quality, new photo-taking strategies etc. I hope that I will cease to neglect my blog, so please bare with me! I miss you all :') How are you all doing?!
And to comment on my outfit of the day pictures, I love this new tank and necklace I bought from Forever 21. If you can tell from the item list, I tend to be bias with F21. What can I say...haha.



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