D.I.Y. Denim Jacket

I was in luck when I found this J.Crew jean jacket at my local Goodwill for a grand total of $8. I could finally put these studs to good use! It took a little less than two hours to get the above and I used about 90 studs. Purchase the same ones on eBay here. You can also see the remaining decal of my chipped yin yang nail polish.

Sorry for the lazy post, but I am no back in school (unfortunately) and it's already been a bit hectic and crazy. Also, I do apologize for my significant decrease in the amount of times I will continue to post now and in the future. I shall try my best though! 

Hope you're all well~

PS: If you want to keep up with me and my oh so busy, exciting (sike) life, please check me out at -

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